Box Hair Color Advice: What Color Should I Use?

Box Hair Color Advice: What Color Should I Use?

NONE! That was my answer this week when a client asked which box hair color she should use on her roots.

Whoop, Whoop! Happy Hump Day and welcome to another Ask the Pro Stylist Q&A. I have had a question lined up for the past two weeks, however, every once in a while I receive queries that peeve me to the point that I feel it needs to be addressed immediately, which put the older topic on the backburner.

Readers and clients of mine are at this point undoubtedly aware of how strongly I feel against box hair color. I have NEVER seen a box come out right. Dark and black hair colors look muddy and inky. Blondes and browns fade to brass, and those with the best intentions create uneven hair color. Repeated use and overlapping of box hair color cause breakage and damage. The cost to correct box hair color is much more than the CVS coupon you have to purchase the box of temporary excitement.

So you could be quite sure that when I received the following question from a client, whose hair I have colored, it stressed me to no end.

What box hair color should I use on my roots; medium or dark brown?

When that text arrived I literally gasped and felt immediately saddened. Her hair is gorgeous and the box will ruin it. My answer was simply, “none, I never recommend box hair color.”

Box Hair Color Advice

Box Hair Color Advice

Professionals cannot stop the production of the dreaded box hair color, but we can certainly advocate against its use. Additionally, we aren’t perfect and even the best of the best make mistakes, but our blunders are corrected at no cost. Fixing a box hair color disaster is expensive and timely, especially for those who just do not listen.

Licensed hair care professionals continue education, and are experienced in chemical processes, hairstyling and hair coloring. Please, please, please, never use box hair color at home.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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