Love is in the Hair, Eyes, Skin, and Lips: Best Beauty Products for Valentine’s Day

Love is in the Hair, Eyes, Skin, and Lips: Best Beauty Products for Valentine’s Day

Love is in the hair, eyes, skin, and lips for Valentine’s Day. Ask the Pro Stylist is offering some tried-and-true hair care and the best beauty product recommendations that will have your love interest begging for your attention.

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The Beauty in Aging

The Beauty in Aging

What is beautiful about getting old? Everything! As a woman in her mid-fifties, I can affirmatively declare there is beauty in aging. Unfortunately, some of our younger counterparts might not agree. Where is the attractiveness of maturing? From grey hair and wrinkles to wisdom, beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder but can be found within every crease. Each line tells a picturesque story and our journeys are stunning. We own each furrow and no one has the right to make us feel any less than what we’ve earned. Instead of advice on how to slow the aging process, or what products take years off, today I reclaim my beauty at 56 and want to empower you to do the same with my thoughts on aging, experience with ageism, women I admire, and health esteem tips.

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Why Occlusive Argan Oil Works to Moisturize Aging Skin

Why Occlusive Argan Oil Works to Moisturize Aging Skin

Occlusive Argan oil works to moisturize aging skin. Additionally, it is the perfect accompaniment to your skincare regimen that provides that dewy glow. Find out what occlusive Argan oil is and which beauty product I recommend to hydrate dry skin in this week’s favorite for Friday.


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