Best Beauty Deals For The End Of Summer

Best Beauty Deals For The End Of Summer

Best Beauty Deals for the End of Summer

The best beauty deals for the end of summer can be found right here, in this beauty blog. Find makeup, skincare and haircare bargains to start the fall off right.Continue reading

Finding Employment At 50: Know Your Worth At Any Age

Finding Employment At 50: Know Your Worth At Any Age

Finding employment at or over the age of 50 sounds much worse than it is. The key is to know your worth. And that is essential at any phase. Find out more beauty career tips in today’s Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist.

Finding Employment At 50: Know Your Worth At Any Age

Whoop, whoop it’s Hump Day! As today is Wednesday it is time for another Q&A with  Ask the Pro Stylist. While I have an inbox full of questions (sorry folks – I will get to them), I feel the need to address finding employment at 50. Because, as you see, I am looking for a job.


A conversation with a former student is the inspiration for today’s post. (As well as my own job search and the result of an acquaintance looking to fill my old position.)

When I first interviewed for the last school I worked, I hoped it would be my final stop in my career. At the time, I was approaching 50 and didn’t want to hunt for employment any longer.

While I have always worked outside the house, after the close of my business and my youngest began school full-time, I wanted to venture into something different. Hence, educating. I fell in love with teaching my craft. However, and unfortunately, the cosmetology school I adored closed.


Enter the last facility. It was more important to leave with integrity than stay, even if another position elsewhere was not blossoming.

Gratefully my students keep in touch. I was inspired to learn one was researching state board techniques and came across this beauty blog. Consequently, today’s finding employment at 50 career tips and post.

Career Tips

As an older woman, I now feel confident to say no and to be picky. There are no regrets, only lessons learned. So, please take the following as my perspective. But, I firmly believe these career tips work for any age.

  • Have faith. Don’t get discouraged if you do not hear back immediately. Many places scan resumes for keywords. Job hunting takes time. In addition, the right job will appear in your search. Be hopeful.
  • Know your worth. Many job sites offer comparative salaries for your desired position. Do some research. Then, ask and ye shall receive. And if you don’t – keep looking.
  • List your wants/needs/requirements: benefits, 401K, easy commute etc. Look for what is going to make you happy.
  • Don’t jump at the first offer, unless it has met your requirements. And as a dear friend always says, “I have my requirements!”
  • Go with your gut. If he or she is a jerk at the onset, guess what – they will always be a jerk.
  • Interview your interviewer. Have a list of questions. Professionals will always ask the right questions, but if they miss something be prepared. If not, that is also a good sign.
  • Track the resumes you submit in a spread sheet.
  • Research the best keywords to use in your resume that describe what you are looking for.
  • Be self- aware. When you list your criteria also note what makes you happy and angry. Know what is tolerable for you and what is not.
  • Keep your contacts and do not burn those bridges (unless of course you never want to go backwards).

And if you’d like to view my resume, please email me at By the way, I have a couple of very promising things happening. Always stay hopeful.

If any of my students are reading this, I will always be there to guide you. Reach out any time with any questions and be true to yourself!

For more beauty ideas and other information like finding employment at 50, please visit frequently. Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is unlawful to reproduce this article or any part therein without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

Cleansing Balms Assist Glowing Skin: New Cleansing Balm is This Friday’s Favorite

Cleansing Balms Assist Glowing Skin: New Cleansing Balm is This Friday’s Favorite

Cleansing Balms Assist Glowing Skin: New Cleansing Balm is This Friday’s Favorite

Cleansing balms serve a dual purpose – remove makeup and cleanse the skin. This new cleansing balm from Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare assists in creating glowing skin. Find out why in this Friday’s beauty review.Continue reading