Becoming a Hairstylist: How to Make it in the Beauty Biz as a Pro

Becoming a Hairstylist: How to Make it in the Beauty Biz as a Pro

Becoming a Hairstylist: How to Make it in the Beauty Biz as a Pro

Becoming a hairstylist is easy. But, making it as a professional in the beauty business requires skill, dedication and hard work. Of course, loving what you do doesn’t hurt either for a lifetime of success.Continue reading

Hairstylist/Client Loyalty: Does Such a Thing Exist?

Hairstylist/Client Loyalty: Does Such a Thing Exist?

A reader, a comrade in the beauty field, has a question about hairstylist/client loyalty and if such a thing really exists.

Happy Hump Day, Whoop Whoop! Welcome to Wednesday and another edition of Ask the Pro Stylist where I answer readers’ beauty and hair questions. This week’s query comes from another hairstylist, who began to take clients out of her house so she could work from home and take care of her 3-year-old daughter.Continue reading

Cosmetology: Is a Career as a Cosmetologist for me?

Cosmetology: Is a Career as a Cosmetologist for me?

Cosmetology questions are often asked of me, especially from my teen clients who may have a future interest in the beauty field. This week, a reader posed the same query and I promised her an answer for today’s Q&A.Continue reading