Are You Confused About Keratin Treatments and Hair Color: Advice to Ease Your Chemical Questions?

Are You Confused About Keratin Treatments and Hair Color: Advice to Ease Your Chemical Questions?

Are you confused about keratin treatments and hair color? It appears many are, and rightfully so. If you aren’t a professional and are receiving information from a stylist that isn’t full of details, you might be in a head spin. Additionally, there are many online fakes who profess to give the right answers. But, sadly, they just add to the confusion. So, today I hope to put to rest some misinformation with another Q&A from Ask the Pro Stylist.

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How Was Your Weight Gain During Lockdown? Find Out Where You Stand in This Pandemic Beauty Survey

How Was Your Weight Gain During Lockdown? Find Out Where You Stand in This Pandemic Beauty Survey

How was your weight gain during lock down? Did you pack on the pounds? What other unhealthy habits did you acquire or lose? Find out in the following pandemic beauty survey conducted by Advanced Dermatology.

Photo Courtesy of Advanced Dermatology

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Why Occlusive Argan Oil Works to Moisturize Aging Skin

Why Occlusive Argan Oil Works to Moisturize Aging Skin

Occlusive Argan oil works to moisturize aging skin. Additionally, it is the perfect accompaniment to your skincare regimen that provides that dewy glow. Find out what occlusive Argan oil is and which beauty product I recommend to hydrate dry skin in this week’s favorite for Friday.


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