Gel Manicure Options Using Formaldehyde Free Gel Nail Polish

Gel Manicure Options Using Formaldehyde Free Gel Nail Polish

Surprisingly, there are gel manicure options that use formaldehyde free gel nail polish. And yes, Ask the Pro Stylist was stumped, until I did a little research.

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Gel Manicure: Fix for Toughened, Sensitive Skin for the DIY User

Gel Manicure: Fix for Toughened, Sensitive Skin for the DIY User

Last week a reader and avid gel manicure user wrote in questioning the pain she has been feeling on her fingers. With the help of another nail technician, we offered the reader some advice. However, as soon as I hit publish, I felt like something was missing.  It reminded me of how my own fingers feel when my nails grow long and something I noticed my mother always had with her incredibly natural, long and strong nails. But, the reader seemed satisfied with the gel manicure solution provided and I honestly forgot about it until today.Continue reading

Gel Manicures: Solutions and Advice

Gel Manicures: Solutions and Advice

Happy Wednesday hair, beauty and nail lovers! It is time once again for another column on beauty advice, yet again tackling the concerns over gel manicures and the problems that arise with having the gel nail polish applied and removed poorly.

This week’s question comes all the way from the United Arab Emirates. This is why I love what I do and when you read the gratitude that poured from this reader, you will also understand how grateful I am for all of you who have read, subscribed and followed my columns.Continue reading