Hair Maintenance 101: Simple Hair Care Suggestions

Hair Maintenance 101: Simple Hair Care Suggestions

Hair Maintenance 101: Simple Hair Care Suggestions

Hair maintenance 101 is for those that believe their hair looks fab, but cannot see what it looks like from behind. Sorry folks because Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police has spotted your tresses and has a few simple suggestions to care for the hair.Continue reading

Repair Damaged Hair With A Hair Treatment of Argan Oil

Repair Damaged Hair With A Hair Treatment of Argan Oil

Repair Damaged Hair With A Hair Treatment of Argan Oil

Repair damaged hair with a hair treatment of Argan Oil, which also happens to be this Friday’s favorite beauty product of the week. What is this wonder product? It is a rejuvenating hair masque by CHI.Continue reading

Argan Oil Review: Why CHI Argan Plus Moringa Oil is Friday’s Fave

Argan Oil Review: Why CHI Argan Plus Moringa Oil is Friday’s Fave

Argan Oil Review: Why CHI Argan Plus Moringa Oil is Friday’s Fave

Argan Oil has become a must for the beauty drawer with its multitude of uses. But with so many varieties, which brand of Argan Oil is the best? This Friday’s favorite beauty product of the week is definitely a highly recommend Argan Oil, that also smells amazing.Continue reading